About Us

Nedging Hall sits in the middle of the mixed farm land. The farm has been focused on reintroducing ancient woodland areas, hedgerows and ponds. The Suffolk Punch has been one of the passions of the family since arriving in Suffolk, we still have a brood mare and foal born in 2022 who oversee all going on’s on the Estate.


“Our mission is to delight our customers with quality produce and experiences that have a positive sustainable and economic impact within the local environment.”

River Brett Restoration Project

45 physical features were created in Autumn 2021 along a 1.5 mile stretch of the River Brett, which flows through the Estate.

The features include re-meandering, creating slow and fast flow sections and developing flood plain areas. The various features will increase in-channel habitat diversity and improve river-floodplain connectivity.

The Estate has provided timber, carried out ground preparation, given access to land and co-ordinated with all the parties involved in the project. Great care was required to respect the existing vole population.

The 45 features were completed by a contractor engaged by the local Area of Natural Beauty in collaboration with the Environment Agency.

Owl Ringing

The basic principle behind ringing any birds and this is a global project on many species of birds, is to give that individual bird a unique identification number, this is then registered on a database at the BTO and will remain on there for ever.

Being an apex predator, owl populations are a good indicator of how that environment is being managed, and this works brilliantly with our environmental management of the estate. The wide grass margins around fields and planting of trees all give homes for mice and voles which are owls staple diet to flourish, and therefore the owls will benefit from this.

Currently the estate offers great owl territory. We intend to commence a five year project to establish 30 new nesting boxes and also enhance what is already on estate, which will really make a difference.

Award Recognition

In 2024 The Bildeston Crown won Sustainability and Environmental business of the year at the East Anglian Daily Times business awards.

This accolade is thanks to the enormous effort that the Nedging Hall Estate team puts in, from growing barley to maintaining the vegetable gardens, but fundamentally from an understanding of the environment and the impact we are having on it. 

“The nature of our business means that there are significant social impacts so we make every possible effort to ensure that our impacts are always positive.”

More of our impacts…

We invest to ensure that the only effect we have on the environment is a positive one.

12 new ponds dug since 2019

10,000 trees planted every year for four years (2020 – 2023)

500m of hedgerows planted in both 2022 and 2023

Restoration of ponds and ancient woodland in Raydon Wood